The First Online Portfolio & Appraisal Toolkit for Physician Associates.
Founded by a PA in GP, our passion is building the best tools for physician associates.
Our website and apps are intuitive, easy to use and designed to support physician associates throughout their career.
We are probably best known for our Matrix Revision App and our OSCE courses for PA National Exams.
Find out more about us.

Get ready for your
next Appraisal.
First Appraisal, completely FREE.

Keep everything together, all in one place.
Group Subscriptions
An annual subscription for a group of physician associates.
Whether you are representing a Hospital Trust or a GP Surgery, we can help.

Why should you sign up?
What our Users say
“I was so fed up of being stressed out when it came to preparing for my appraisal. This toolkit has made that process 10x easier.”
“Matrix smashing it once again. Amazing to have all my portfolio and appraisal prep in one place. ”
“Thank you for creating a common sense appraisal toolkit which reduces the workload and sticks to the key elements needed for our appraisal as a PA”
“Great to have, at last, a PA-friendly appraisal tool that is simple and straight forward to use.”
Try our system for as long as you like. When you’re ready to submit your appraisal preparation you’ll need to set up your subscription.
per year
Appraisal Toolkit
Follows FPA guidance for PA appraisals
Upload Colleague & Patient feedback
Appraisals progress tracker
Import Last year’s PDP
Add Mandatory Training
Record Significant events
Propose PDP & review medical domains
Annual summative self-assessment
per year
Appraisal Toolkit & Portfolio
Access to Appraisal Toolkit
Access to online portfolio
Collate ongoing and up-to-date evidence of development of skills
Link to CPD diary
Record Quality Improvement Activities
Store workplace based assessments
Includes Procedure Log Book
Add Reflections including Complaints & Compliments
Save Research & Publications
And more